Dried Bee Pollen

Dried Bee Pollen - 100g

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Bee Pollen - Nature's Superfood for Natural Wellness

Discover the power of bee pollen packed with essential nutrients! Enjoy natural allergy relief and support overall wellness. Bee pollen is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and more. Boost your immune system and lower cholesterol naturally. Harvested by bees, bee pollen is nature's superfood, packed with goodness.

Nutrition Facts

  • 30% digestible carbohydrates: make bee pollen an excellent energy source.
  • 26% sugars: including fructose and glucose, bee pollen offers natural sweetness.
  • 23% protein: containing essential amino acids, bee pollen supports muscle repair and growth.
  • 5% lipids: including essential fatty acids, promoting healthy skin and metabolism.
  • 2% phenolic compounds: like flavonoids, bee pollen provides antioxidant benefits.
  • 1.6% minerals: such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and more, contributing to overall health.
  • 0.6% water-soluble vitamins and acids: like B1, B2, B6, and C, bee pollen supports immune function and metabolism.
  • 0.1% fat-soluble vitamins: A, E, and D, bee pollen enhances vision, skin health, and calcium absorption.

Bee pollen delivers a comprehensive nutritional profile essential for overall wellness. With its impressive nutritional profile, bee pollen is a must-have for anyone seeking a natural health boost.

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