The Story of Farmboy


At home, we normally use honey as an alternative to sugar, and when I first came to Ireland, I really missed honey that would have met my needs. I realised that surely I am not the only one, so I decided to start importing Slovak honey directly from the beekeeper to Ireland. In the beginning, I used to sell it to people from the Slovak community. In spring 2015, my friend opened a small café in Rathmines, and he asked me if I could supply honey for him. I registered with the Department of Agriculture as a honey purchaser, and Slovak FarmBoy was officially established. I extended my product portfolio to other bee products, chocolate and freeze-dried fruit and started supplying them to shops, cafes, restaurants and hotels around Dublin. In 2021 I proudly started beekeeping and producing my own honey from the first beehive based in Harrlods Cross in Dublin 6w. Here you can find some videos from our apiary. 

Our Farmers

Micheal Wildes (Ireland)

Lovingly farms over 100 beehives around his land at Tara Hill, Co. Wexford.

To look after so many bees is not a simple activity. But when Michael shakes your hand, his rough palm says this is a hard job, but the smile on his face is proof he has a sweet life with his wife Mary, his lovely dog "Laddy", his bees and their wonderful Irish honey.

Pavel Kozacik (Slovakia)

Pavel's honey has won the gold medal at Apimondia - World honey show.

With over 60 years of beekeeping experience, he has his own design of beehives to provide more honey from his happy bees. When he was 10 years old, he bees become very interested in bees and now uses his long experience to produce an excellent honey taste. As a result, Mr Kozacik can use the registered trademark "Slovak Honey".

Is this Jorge or Jose? (Colombia)

LYRA provides food and education for their workers.

We are supporting and educating our farmers in cocoa farming. So theirs cocoa has higher quality and they get more Money for it. However, childrens of our farmers in Colombia do not have motivation to go to school. 7 km walk there and back and a lot of work at farm... So we decided to pay for their food at school. And this is very high motivation Now we know they are not hungry and they are educated. This social project really works thanks to LYRA chocolate.