Our Production

Our own honey

I started beekeeping only in 2020. So far we have hives in Harrolds cross and at Fitzpatrick Castle hotel at Kiliney hill. And only think I regret is I did not start doing it earler. If you like to see some video from you apiary clic here

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Chocolate - Prototyping LYRA Mandela

How many people do you know who can say "I know who makes chocolate I'm eating."
But with our shop you can not only get to know your producer but also see the production process.

Short video about prototyping a new chocolate product Lyra Mandala.
The best chocolate Fino de aroma in a crunchy form. Each of these chocolates is the result of our research and passion. Choose according to your taste and share with us pleasant feelings while enjoying.

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Dried Fruits - Grown for flavour

We offer premium natural and organic products made of continental fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. By combining traditional agriculture with sophisticated processing methods we create high quality products with unmistakable taste and aroma

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